Stories of Katong and Hope

Performance Arts

*This interview was conducted during the 2023 Church Camp held in Holiday Villa Johor Bahru City Center from the 2nd to 5th of June 2023. Some editorial changes were made for clarity.

Justin Hui

So how did both of you start coming to church?

Owen Lee

I think when the question is posed to us, how did some of you come to church anyway? The church is going to integrate, so here I am. Then there’s another group of people say, I search the internet and I found this church which I think I like, so I come.

As for me , you know how I came to church? I was in primary 1, and one day in school the teacher just asked, “Who is interested to go to Sunday school?” and I just put up my hand. And then the teacher said “Ok, the next Sunday, 8am, you go to this church”. So that was my first introduction to the church and the rest is history. From primary 1 till now.

Justin Hui

As some of you may know, our Katong Presbyterian church was affliated with which school?

Owen Lee

Presbyterian Boys School.

Justin Hui

And a good number of our members have come from there as well. OK Tim, how about you?

Timothy Seow

Hello, I was going to say my story’s a lot simpler than his, but actually that’s ridiculously simple lah. Uh you see, I didn’t have a choice. My parents they uh.. I got up one morning and they probably didn’t tell me I was going to church, they packed me up. I was probably like 2 years old or something, and then they strapped me and bound me down and we went to Hope. So it’s been wonderful in Hope ever since.