Combined EDC Integration Update Archives

Discipleship Sub-Committee

2023 August 16th

  • Reviewed existing ministries' effectiveness in building healthy Christian disciples.

  • Made recommendations on which ministries to keep, improve, stop, and new ones to start.

  • Priorities in 2024 include a consolidated Christian Education ministry and more support for young adults going through major life transitions.

2023 May 17th

  • Committee is assessing all ministries and will provide recommendations by August.

  • Internal EDC survey shows that prayer and missions are areas both churches want to focus on.

2023 February 15th

  • Defining characteristics of a healthy Christian focusing on Word, Prayer, Community and Mission

  • Output will guide future ministries and leadership structure of the integrated church

Fiduciary Sub-Committee

2023 August 16th

  • Combined staff handbook completed and approved by EDC.

  • Where there were differences in policies, the better was chosen in most cases so staff will be no worse off (on an overall basis) after integration.

  • Staff salary scales for 2024 were also updated and are in line with Synod recommendations.

2023 May 17th

  • The team is working closely with lawyers representing both churches to iron out details in the Implementation Agreement and dissolution of HPC.

  • Ongoing work is being done on the missions, HR, legal, and finance policies.

2023 February 15th

  • Scoped responsibilities for integration work relating to Legal, Finance and HR.

  • Will review the missions and member welfare policies of both churches

SHiOK Community

2023 August 16th

  • Building a shared identity through storytelling activities like the woven tapestry life story at church camp and the Joys and Jitters on Jul 15, where members also got to pray for each other.

  • Church family album is currently in the works, along with planning for more intergenerational activities in 2024.

2023 May 17th

  • The Sharing Committe has a new Name! SHiOK Community stands for Sharing Hope in Our Katong Community

  • Combined church camp initiatives will let members hear each other's faith stories, and even share with those who could not attend camp.

2023 February 15th

  • Developed thematic approach to events and projects involving all segments of the integrated church to build shared identity.

Communications Sub-Committee

2023 August 16th

  • After the mid-year integration update on Jul 15, the team is planning for the subsequent update in Nov/Dec, where various ministries can share more on how the church will run in 2024.

  • A more detailed write up on the Discipleship committee's updates is also in the works and will be hosted on the integration website.

2023 May 17th

  • An Integration Website will launch in June featuring information and updates about integration, and profiles of leaders from both churches.

  • An update session will be held on 15th July for members to meet, ask questions and pray about the integration process.

2023 February 15th

  • Created plan to keep members informed through announcements, prayer updates and two-in-person briefings in July and November.

Committee Roles and Responsibilities

Combined EDC

Oversee and give final approval to all integration plans

Fiduciary Duties Team

Oversee integration-related work in the legal, financial and HR areas

Discipleship Plan Committee

Develop and propose an overall discipleship plan

Communications Team

Curate integration information and update both churches

SHiOK Team

Initiate programs to bring members of both churches together